
Mitsubishi ASX – no standard Japanese

asx steigung
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The ASX was the first car of Mitsubishi I drove. Before the ASX I didn’t know much about Mitsubishi at all and thought it would just be like the “other Japanese Cars”. But after my driving experience with this SUV, I have now changed my mind!

We had the ASX 1.8 DI-D 4 WD with 150 HP and a four-wheel drive system that you could change into the normal two-wheel drive mode. But there was no difference between the consumption while driving with 4 WD or 2WD , so we mainly used the all wheel drive. The car was equipped with a cruise-control, a seat heating, automatic climate control, automatic seat adjustment, leather seats, a rear-view backup camera and the keyless-go system. All comforts you need.

Interior of the ASX

I liked the high sitting position and the clarity the car offered. The exterior coating of the color red made the car special and was very stricing against other SUVs with dark colors. The alloy rims supported that attraction.

Driving the ASX made a lot of fun, you couldn’t miss to hear the Diesel engine  while accelerating the car. Also the accelerating itself went extremely well. The powerful engine allowed to skip some gears and I never stalled of the engine ;-) Whether driving motorway or country roads or urban traffic, the ASX brought us savely and comfortably to our destination.

Offroad parcours were very interesting with the ASX: We tested it on sandy hills, in mud, on grass,on steep slopes, on stony ground (you can see it in the pictures or in our short videoclip). Offroad with the Mitsubishi SUV felt like driving a comfort-Safari on holiday.

Through mud and water with the ASX


Offroad test

The ASX was not only practical but also pretty: its interior convinced me due to the panorama roof and the lights above the drivers that you could change as you like. The exterior was attractive, too. I think, I don’t have to explain why, just look at the pictures).

Thanks to the rear-view backup camera I was also able to use the smallest parking space I found, because during the reversing I saw every centimeter what was behind me and the car.

Here an overview about the advantages and disadvantages of the Mitsubishi ASX:

I hope to drive more Mitsubishi cars to experience “the beauties” of that car brand!



Über den Autor

Dr. Anja Hager

Anja berichtet auf Motoreport hin und wieder über aktuelle Themen der Automobilindustrie. Sie interessiert sich für umweltschonende, alternative Antriebe, ist aber regelmäßig auch in Autos mit mehr als 4 Zylindern anzutreffen.


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